

Thanks to my lovely sister-in-law, Jennifer, I'm re-doing my 25 things list, because I realized I wasn't very random and fun in the last one. Here goes:

1. I currently have onion breath because I made a yummy mandarin orange, Asian salad for dinner and it has chives in it.
2.It annoys me, when people, overuse, commas.
3. I'm in the process of switching car insurance.
4. I see light and color everywhere.
5. There's several piles of deer poo in our yard right now.
6. It hasn't snowed in weeks.
7. I want my brother and sister-in-law to come visit so we can go camping together this summer.
8. I get gas at the corner station called "The Holiday" and when you shop at Albertson's you get gas coupons for The Holiday.
9. I've lost 20 lbs since Christmas.
10. Renting houses sucks.
11. I've had the same shoe size since I was 11.
12. I watch The Animal Planet network a lot.
13. Someday I want to own/run an icecream parlor.
14. My favorite foods are ice cream and homemade vegetable soup.
15. I really want to be a photographer for a mission team some day.
16. I wish going to the movies wasn't so expensive.
17. The other day I took a walk when it was 19 degrees.
18. The weather fascinates me.
19. I really enjoy laying in the grass and watching the clouds.
20. My top two love languages are quality time and acts of service.
21. I'm reading The Bourne Identity.
22. It takes me foooreeeevvver to finish a book.
23. When I do finish a book I get a great sense of accomplishment.
24. I kind of enjoy doing laundry.
25. I greatly enjoying eating food I make myself. For some reason, it always tastes better.

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