

My in-laws helped me move our stuff from Texas to Wyoming, and before they left to go back to Texas we took an afternoon trip to the mountains. Here are a few pictures.

This little creek near a camping grounds was starting to freeze over. It smelled so good and fresh there. It was really nice.

This is a close up of the ice crystals on the water. If I had a micro lens I could make this look so neato.

My inlaws and Eric. I made them pose for a picture since it will be a long time until we see them again. Eric gave his Momma a good bear hug and I snapped a black and white. It's cute.

Eric found a cool stick and I took a picture, he's so funny and he makes me smile. I love that guy a whole lot.

These images are of some aspen trees after they've shed their leaves. I love them. ANd they look really awesome in black and white.

Below is an area that they use for logging and tree conservation. They only cut down the tall- tall trees so that's why they're all the same height. In the back ground is some mountains realllly far away.

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