
today I am thankful for..

1. a new heater that works
2. family
3. Jenny
4. Baked Lays
5. bubble gum
6. breakfast with my husband
7. only having one more comm law class
8. prayer
9. my amazing art photography professor, Nil
10. colored sharpie pens


Emerald Lemmons said...

okay I understand that Nil is amazing, heat is a good thing, I completely feel your excitement on the Comm Law but how on Earth do you manage to wake up early enough for breakfast with your husband???? 'splain it to me Luci, I don't understand!

By the way--I normally shoot my 50 for weddings because that's the only lens I have that goes below 4 on the aperture (which is totally a must in the dark churches I've been getting...especially when they turn off all the lights). I'd really love to have Nikon's 28-70, 2.8, and Nikon's 70-200, 2.8--both of which you can see on my wishlist at http://www.bhphotovideo.com

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

I love, love, love sharpies in every color of the rainbow!

Gary Rhodes said...

I agree with you about Nil, but shouldn't the sharpie pens be higher up on the list. I mean, sometimes I just write random stuff with a colored sharpie just for the sake of using one. Maybe you should put them closer to the Baked Lay's, that would make some more sense.
On a side note, I saw your galleries today. I was very impressed, especially with the stuff at HSU. The prints look beatifull.

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Thanks for the visit today! It was soooo good to talk to you!